Choosing the Best Surface Treatment Technology: Plasma vs. Flame

Surface treatment technologies, including plasma and flame, play a pivotal role in enhancing adhesion, improving surface energy, and enabling efficient and repeatable manufacturing processes. Choosing between these technologies depends on the materials being treated, application speed, and system integration. In this guide, we’ll break down the key differences, benefits, and practical considerations to help you…

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Everything You Need To Know About Flame Surface Treatment

Flame Discharge

The Key to Stronger, More Reliable Adhesive Bonds: Flame Treatment One of the most important requirements for adhesion is the condition of the surface prior to bonding with inks, coatings and adhesives. Fortunately, there are technologies which can be used to modify surfaces to make them more receptive to bonding. One of the oldest surface…

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Plasma or Flame Treating Surfaces

When properly implemented, plasma and flame surface treating can improve bonding with adhesives, coatings and inks. However, there are a number of common mistakes made when evaluating and integrating surface treaters that can easily be avoided. In this new webinar, Enercon shares insights on mistakes that can undermine your success: Fill out the form to…

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New eBook Offers Technical Insights on using Atmospheric Plasma

Enercon is excited to announce the release of a new eBook: Getting Started with Plasma Surface Treatment. This free eBook provides engineers and manufacturers with a comprehensive guide on how plasma surface treating technology is used to improve bonding for a wide variety of industrial applications. This interactive resource will equip readers with foundational knowledge…

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Enercon Releases 2nd Generation of the Blown-ion™ 500 Plasma Surface Treater with an Expanded Operating Window

Enercon 2nd Generation Blown-ion 500 Plasma Treater

Enercon’s original Blown-ion™ 500 plasma treater broke new barriers with its ability to provide wide, high and uniform treatment levels at process speeds never before possible with in-line plasma technology. The innovation continues as Enercon releases its second generation of this remarkable technology. “Maintaining a consistent plasma simultaneously over six separate plasma discharge ports requires…

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Myths and Mysteries of Measuring Dynes, Surface Free Energy & Contact Angle

Since plasma and flame surface treatment create no visible changes to a surface, methodologies have been developed to measure the changes to a surface after treatment. These diagnostics are quite valuable, but they are often conducted with flawed testing practices and the results are frequently misunderstood. In this new webinar, experts from Enercon & KRÜSS…

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Advances In Adhesion With Co2-Based Atmospheric Plasma Surface Modification

Abstract The use of gas and/or liquid-phase carbon dioxide (CO2) with atmospheric plasma discharge surface pretreatment technology can remove micron and submicron particulates and hydrocarbon-based contaminations on plastics and metals. The cleaning process is based upon the expansion of either liquid or gaseous carbon dioxide through an orifice. The paper provides an understanding of the…

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Plasma & Flame Surface Treatment Distance & Dwell Time Recommendations for Consistent Treatment Results


What is the ideal distance between the treatment head and the surface to be treated? The answer depends on the surface treater you are using and your specific application. However, there are some general guidelines that you should be aware of: Treatment Distance Treatment Dwell Time Treatment Angle Measuring Treatment Success Pretesting and good documentation…

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