Nick Lucka Promoted to Service & Support Manager
Enercon Industries Corporation is delighted to announce the promotion of Nick Lucka to the role of Service and Support Manager. In this new position, Lucka will oversee Enercon’s Field Service Engineers & Support Technicians who provide comprehensive phone support, field service, and start-up assistance to Enercon customers. Enercon’s Service & Support Team is the largest…
Read MoreCorona, Plasma and Flame Pretreatment for Surface Treating Plastics
Generally, plastics have chemically inert and nonporous surfaces with low surface tensions. This makes them nonreceptive to bonding with inks, adhesives, coatings, and other substrates. Polyethylene and polypropylene for example have very low surface energy. Pretreatment of these and other engineered plastics improves bonding prior to printing, coating, and laminating. The best type of surface…
Read MoreCorona Treater Start-Up Assistance
Enercon’s start-up assistance programs are used by leading converting and extruding operations to verify their corona treater installations follow Enercon’s best practice recommendations. During start-up assistance a factory trained engineer from Enercon will work with your team and review all aspects your corona treater installation including; safety, utilities, mechanical & electrical integration, materials used, &…
Read MoreEmerging Non-Woven Applications For Atmospheric Plasma Treatment
Many of the consumer products that already are highly penetrated in the mature markets of North America, Western Europe and Japan continue to generate growth for nonwovens by expanding their functionality. The functional performance and value of nonwoven components continue to progress. Representative of this growth, the 2004 worldwide production of nonwoven roll goods was…
Read MoreImprove Medical Barrier Fabrics Breathability with Atmospheric Plasma
One of the most demanded properties of barrier fabrics for medical applications is the developments of a low-cost non-woven material that is breathable, sterilizable, flexible, and resistant to blood and viral penetration. There are many potential techniques which have been considered to produce such a fabric, however, many of these techniques add substantial cost, rigidity,…
Read MorePromote Textile Desizing & Dyeability with Atmospheric Plasma
Textile manufacturers and end-users have been searching for ways to improve the surface properties of natural and synthetic fibers while minimizing the impact on the environment. The process of promoting pigment and dye uptake on textiles materials can involve priming agents to meet requirements for use, such as fade resistance, permanence under repeated laundering and…
Read MoreMetallized Film Adhesion: Processing & Converting with Surface Treatment
Metallized film presents adhesion challenges to both film suppliers and converters. Today, new developments in surface treatment are creating competitive advantages by extending surface energy stability on metallized film. What metallized film converters should know Both the metallized film supplier and converter are at the mercy of the physics involved with dyne levels. Dyne level…
Read MoreImprove Lamination Adhesion with Surface Treating
For many industrial applications, the use of a single ply of a material does not provide all of the critical properties required for the optimal performance of a product. In these cases, a composite of two or more layers of material can provide this required performance. A common method of creating such a composite is…
Read MoreImprove Ink Printing Adhesion with Surface Treating
The task of optimizing printing adhesion can be difficult, primarily because of the many process variables which require control. The most critical of these parameters are 1) ink chemistry, 2) substrate quality, 3) surface treatment, and 4) ink transfer method. There are six major printing/decorating processes, each distinguished by the method in which ink and…
Read MoreSurface Treating Handbook
Enercon’s Surface Treating Handbook is full of useful information when working with your corona treater. Inside you’ll find: Download this digital pdf by completing the form. If you would like a hard copy, please use the comments field to request one. Innovative People Ensuring Your Treating Success. Enercon delivers custom and innovative surface treating technologies…
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