Bare-roll treater provides Crayex Corp. with versatile treatment capabilities.
For Crayex Corporation (Piqua, OH), surface treating wasn’t always so easy. Before switching to Enercon Bare Roll corona treaters, Crayex personnel had to climb 40-ft high blown-film towers to replace covered treater rolls that burned out frequently. “With the bare roll, recovering is not an issue, and it’s up there to stay,” says Don Trumbull, Crayex Plant Manager.
The bare roll treater station, while eliminating downtime due to burn-out of roll coverings, can also treat any substrate including plastic, foil, metallized film or paper. “As the need or desire to differentiate product from competitors grows, so grows the need to properly treat materials that can be printed or labeled,” explains Rick Bornhorst, Vice President of Sales at Crayex. Besides the ease of maintenance, the bare roll stations have helped increase Crayex’s flexibility and its capability to provide clients with value-added, custom jobs.
The company provides film used for spa covers as well as bag film for construction products. It also supplies custom films for high-speed packaging applications, poly banner film for the advertising market, skin-packaging and masking films.